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Writer's pictureDaniel Wretham

Landscape Photography on YouTube

Updated: Nov 11, 2022

Best Landscape Photography Videos on YOUTUBE

I thought I would put together a list of my favourite YouTube videos I have done after I was asked recently in an interview which one I liked best, and why and I just couldn't narrow it down ! So I decided to put up my top 10 favourite shoots !

Hopefully there will be something for everyone here to enjoy and lots of hints & tips to improve your landscape photography as well as showing how I approach each location, Simply click on any of the videos and it will play for you.

If you have already subscribed then I can't thank you enough, the support is really appreciated, If you're not a subscriber to my channel then please consider it and a like on the videos is always really appreciated, Thank you.

My YouTube Channel can be seen here Daniel Wretham Landscape Photography

1.Epic Mist at Corfe Castle

What can i really say about this one ? Simply it was at one of the most iconic locations in the UK and for once conditions were absolutely perfect !

Fantastic mist, fantastic sunrise ! it just all came together perfectly.

Without doubt my favourite Vlog to date

2. Colmers Hill Misty Sunrise

This is simply because this shot took me so long to get (I had chased this picture for many years) and finally conditions actually played ball for me and I nailed it !

Its one of my shorter vlogs as I was too busy capturing the conditions but its a real sight to see the mist rolling all over Colmers Hill as the morning sunrise lights up the sky !

Its one of my favourite landscape photography memories to date and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did while I was there.

3. Rainbows & Sunrise at Lake Pier

This was a session that came about shortly after lockdown was relaxed and boy did I ever need it !

I had been stuck at home for months like everyone and I needed the hit of landscape photography more than ever as to be honest, I was feeling pretty low and it really didn't disappoint !

Not only was I treated to a spectacular sunrise but also an amazing rainbow as well !

Two for the price of one ! You will see from my expressions just how happy I am to be back out again and getting glorious conditions !

This sums up the feelings that landscape photography can give you, priceless.

4. The Dutch Barn

Quite simply one of Dorset's most iconic locations, in fact one of the very best in the country and to top it off, this year there was a crop of rape old seed flowering in bright yellow creating an absolute bucket list shot !

This is a rarity as the rape oil seed is only planted every 3 to 4 years here as its usually corn or barley instead which is nice but just nowhere near as pretty as rape oil seed.

Swathes of gorgeous golden light roll over the field painting the scene and giving me a shot to remember, now made all the more special as the field has been closed off and you're not allowed to go in so perhaps this is the last time I will ever get to shoot the location.

Once again the enthusiasm and excitement is very much visible as conditions unfold and just get better and better ! A must see vlog !

5. Seascapes & Sunsets

Who doesn't love a seascape ? and an epic sunset ? I know I certainly do and hope you will too.

I take a trip down to St Oswalds bay which is part of the Lulworth estate in Dorset to do a spot of seascape photography and lets just say, it all goes off !!

Part of the reason I love this video is because the conditions were just so unexpected, I mean I was hoping for a decent sunset but this really delivered and being on the Jurassic coast made it even more special.

I love to capture a nice image but its even better when I can show it in real time to you all and you can get a feel for the emotion that it generates for me.

6. Photographing Bluebells

Bluebell season is simply one of my favourite times of the year and one of my favourite subjects to photograph.

I take a trip across the boarder to Hampshire, leaving my beloved Dorset behind to chase these beautiful flowers at a forest location that is simply out of this world !

Carpets of bluebells absolutely everywhere as far as the eye can see and some beautiful light making this really a shoot to remember !

Few things in life can make me as happy as a forest full of bluebells !

7. The Epic Jurassic Coast

Quite simply one of my favourite places on earth, the Jurassic Coast !

I love shooting here and its pretty much where I fist cut my teeth on Landscape photography so it always evokes an emotion in me.

Chapmans Pool has long since been a favourite location and I get treated to not only fantastic light but also to a nice sunset too !

Pretty much guaranteed to make any photographer smile if they have these conditions !

This is an early Vlog so the quality isn't as good as later ones but it did teach me more so I thought it was worthy of an inclusion.

8. Morning Light At Portland Bill

This was one of my very first videos and it was all looking like it might be a wasted trip as the overcast cloud blocked any hope of a decent sunrise but by carefully watching the conditions and seeing how the cloud behaved I make a last minute change of tactic and it pays off as I get treated to some simply fantastic light which totally transforms the shoot.

The quality of this video isn't the best as like I said it was one of my first but hopefully the video quality has vastly improved in later ones !

9. The Wild Garlic Forest

This was simply such an enjoyable video to make, Forest photography has always been a hard subject to tackle but I show a few hints & tips on how I approach the situation and end up with a few reasonable shots of a stunning carpet of Wild garlic when some last minute light changes the game !

This is a location that sadly now seems to be quite well known but at the time it was nice and quiet and few knew of it so it gave me many tranquil moments that are savoured to this day.

10. EXCLUSIVE ! Kase Filters Armour Review

Its very rare I ever put product reviews on YouTube as its not really what the channel is about but when I was asked by Kase Filters to have the worlds first look and test of the new Kase Filters Armour system then I couldn't say no !

This was such a fun video to make as it was my first product video and I got to test something that no one else had seen at that point and I even managed to get a rainbow over Corfe Castle while testing it !

Really worth a watch !

Bonus. Whats The Best Photo paper For Landscape Photography ?

Printing is something i'm really passionate about and I know just how hard it can be to get to grips with so I decided to do a video as a bit of help for people to make a choice on which paper they print on and what works best for landscape photography.

Hopefully you will find this absolutely feature packed with useful hints & tips that will transform your printing and bust through all the technical terms and break it down to something far easier to relate too !

I enjoyed doing this one so much because it was a little bit different from my normal videos !

For those of you who are still here and have watched a few of these then first off, Thank you very much and secondly I really hope you have enjoyed them !

As always, Happy shooting

Daniel Wretham

Landscape photography blog

Landscape Photography Blog

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